Climbing Training

The first stage for any training program starts with a self assessment.  After much time thinking about it and asking others, here is what I came up with for my strengths and weaknesses, and the goals that follow for improvement.

How can it be an effective climbing training program without this key area.


I’ve done the highly restrictive nutrition program before, so this is my compromise, a program that I can regularly follow.  Atkins diet followers beware!

Ah.. the controversial issue.  There are so many opinions and training programs out there.  I’ve outlined my personal training program and the philosophy behind why I chose this training program.  This is highly shaped by my experiences, my climbing shortcomings, and how I believe my body reacts to training. 

Not the sexiest discussion, but important none the less.


The favorite discussion of many, and mine too… how to crank… hard!

Physical Training

How do we tell if we are getting better aside from waiting till next season?  This is the topic for the truly anal retentive, or those that really want to know if they are improving or just wasting their time when they could be drinking beer.


Do you disagree?  Have any questions about what’s on the training pages?  Contact us.  We always like to learn new info.

There Is No Someday